2f0fb8e9804b4bd89fa382c6b8d39951 NEZGLO : "France to Deport Hundreds of Algerians Deemed 'Dangerous



"France to Deport Hundreds of Algerians Deemed 'Dangerous


"France to Deport Hundreds of Algerians Deemed 'Dangerous'"

French Interior Minister Bruno Le Roux announced on Monday that his team is compiling a list of hundreds of individuals considered "dangerous" to be deported to Algeria ¹. The move comes amid escalating tensions between France and Algeria, with Paris accusing Algiers of failing to cooperate on deporting Algerian nationals convicted of crimes in France.

According to Le Roux, the individuals on the list have been identified as posing a threat to public order or have been linked to extremist groups. He expressed hope that this move would be a "moment of truth" for Algeria.

The development is the latest in a series of diplomatic tensions between France and Algeria. Paris has accused Algiers of refusing to take back Algerian nationals who have committed crimes in France, while Algiers has accused Paris of violating international law and ignoring bilateral agreements ¹.

The dispute has been fueled by a recent knife attack in Mulhouse, northeastern France, which was carried out by a 37-year-old Algerian national who had been ordered to be deported but was not extradited due to Algeria's refusal to accept him.

French Prime Minister François Bayrou has announced plans to review all agreements signed with Algeria and to impose restrictions on the entry of Algerian nationals into France. Algiers has responded by vowing to take reciprocal measures and to review all agreements with France.

_:_ France, #Algeria, #Deportation, Diplomatic# #Tensions, #Bruno #Le #Roux#

_Date:_ 03.03.2025 | 

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